Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Do you know how many times Jason and I have said, "I can't believe we are going to have a baby in February!" The last 9+ months have been such an amazing time in our lives and in our marriage as we have been trying to anticipate how Emily Morgan's "birth-day" will unfold. To say that we are excited is just silly. We are absolutely beside ourselves, seriously. We feel like we are just operating in limbo as we wait out these last few days before we finally get to see the face of this miracle that has been growing inside me.

We are now on a schedule of going to see the dr every Monday for a check-up. Things have continued to progress just as they should. I weighed 151.8 yesterday and that is a total weight gain of 30 pounds. However that is FOUR POUNDS more than what I weighed just one week before. I am pretty sure that can be accounted for by the 2 lbs of fluid that has collected around the area where each of my ankles used to be located :) My dr says Emily is about 6.5 pounds right now, she is still head down...like really down, dr says she has dropped and it could be any day now. His actual words were, "I'm expecting her to come in the next week or so" - OR SO? That's like saying add a 'dash' of sugar, or 'some' water when you are trying to follow a recipe...really?! ugh! CAN'T TAKE THIS WAITING...GOING CRAZY!!

I feel like I am ready to bust. She feels so big and tight in there, it really is amazing. I do know that I am not that big compared to a lot of pregnant women, but I have to say that I feel huge for me!! I might not ever be completely ready to be a mom, but I am DONE being pregnant. I am just so thankful that it has only been this last month that has been uncomfortable. I have had an absolutely wonderful pregnancy - and even this last month is still not totally unbearable - I'm just way more aware of Emiliy's presence these days.

I am so ready to re-do this blog and take down all of these pictures of Jason & me when we were babies and replace them with the ga-zillion we will take of Emily. Thanks again to all of you that have taken the time to follow our progress and lift us up in your prayers over these last months. We CAN NOT WAIT to introduce her to you all!! So excited!

Until next time...


  1. You look so beautiful!!! I can't wait until I meet Emily. Lots of hugs and kisses to you and Jason. Always, Kim

  2. Wow, Wishing you and Jason all the best! Hope to see you and Emily soon!
